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Designing with inspiration is the key to creating a space that truly reflects your personal style and personality. By gathering inspiration from a variety of sources such as design magazines, websites, and blogs, you can easily gather ideas and create a vision for your space. Whether you’re designing a room, a whole house, or even just a small corner of your home, by following the simple steps outlined in this blog post, you can bring your design dreams to life.

Designing with Inspiration: Introduction

Designing a space can be one of the most exciting and creative projects you’ll ever tackle, but it can also be overwhelming. Where do you even begin? One of the simplest and most effective ways to make the process easier is by gathering inspiration. Inspiration can come from a variety of sources, such as design magazines, websites, and blogs. And the best part is that it’s not just for professionals, it’s for anyone who wants to create a beautiful and functional space.

In this blog post, we will take a look at the three simple steps you can take to design with inspiration. By following these steps, you can easily gather ideas, create a vision for your space, and bring it to life. Whether you’re designing a room, a whole house, or even just a small corner of your home, these steps will help you create a space that is truly reflective of your personal style and personality.

The first step is research and gathering ideas. Browse through design magazines, websites, and blogs to find looks that you love. It’s important to save images of the looks you like so you can refer back to them later. The second step is creating a mood board. A mood board is a visual representation of your ideas and the finished space you want to create. It’s a great tool for helping you visualize your space and make design decisions. And the final step is putting your inspiration into action. Use your inspiration to inform your design choices and incorporate your favorite looks into your project.

Designing with inspiration is an exciting and enjoyable process, so get ready to unleash your creativity, and let’s get started! Follow these simple steps and you’ll be on your way to designing the space of your dreams.”

Researching Inspiration

The first step in designing with inspiration is researching and gathering ideas. This can be done by browsing through design magazines, websites, and blogs to find looks that you love. Here are a few tips to help you with this process:

  • Start by looking at a variety of sources. Don’t limit yourself to just one type of design magazine or website. Look at different styles and genres to find inspiration that is unique to your project.
  • Take note of the things you like. As you’re browsing through different sources, save images of the looks you like. This will make it easier for you to refer back to them later and make design decisions.
  • Keep an open mind. Inspiration can come from unexpected places. Don’t be afraid to look outside of your usual sources for inspiration.
  • Find new sources of inspiration. Follow design bloggers and influencers on social media, subscribe to design newsletters, and join design communities to keep up with the latest trends and inspiration.

By following these tips, you can gather a wealth of inspiration for your project. The more ideas you have, the more options you’ll have for creating your dream space. Remember that researching inspiration is an ongoing process, so don’t be afraid to continue looking for inspiration even after you’ve started your project.

Saving and Organizing Inspiration

Once you’ve gathered inspiration from various sources, it’s important to save and organize those ideas. This will make it easier to refer back to them later and make design decisions. Here are some tips for saving and organizing inspiration:

  • Create a digital mood board. Use a program or app to create a digital mood board where you can save images of the looks you like. This makes it easy to access your inspiration from anywhere and also allows you to share it with others.
  • Organize your inspiration by theme or style. As you’re saving images, categorize them by theme or style. This will make it easier to find the inspiration you’re looking for later on.
  • Use tags or labels. Use keywords or labels to describe the images you save. This will make it easier to find specific inspiration when you’re looking for it.
  • Take screenshots or photos. If you find inspiration on social media or in a design magazine, take screenshots or photos of the images. This will allow you to refer back to them later on.
  • Print out your favorite images. Print out images of the looks you like and keep them in a binder or folder. This allows you to refer back to them easily and also gives you a physical representation of your inspiration.

By saving and organizing your inspiration, you can easily refer back to it throughout the design process. This will help you make design decisions that are true to your personal style and the vision you have for your space.

Putting Inspiration into Action

Once you’ve gathered and organized your inspiration, it’s time to put it into action. This is where you’ll take the ideas and looks you’ve saved and incorporate them into your design project. Here are some tips for putting inspiration into action:

  • Use your inspiration to inform your design choices. Look at the images you’ve saved and think about what you like about them. Use that information to guide your design decisions.
  • Incorporate your favorite looks into your project. Use the inspiration you’ve gathered to create a cohesive design for your space. Think about how you can incorporate your favorite looks into the room or space you’re designing.
  • Be open to change. Remember that your inspiration is just that – inspiration. You don’t have to stick to it exactly. Be open to making changes and adjustments as you design your space.
  • Consider the functionality of your space. Inspiration is great, but don’t forget about the functionality of your space. Make sure the design works for the way you and your family will use the room.
  • Take inspiration from multiple sources. Don’t limit yourself to just one source of inspiration. Combine elements from different sources to create a unique and personalized design.

By putting your inspiration into action, you’ll be able to create a space that is true to your personal style and the vision you have for your space. Don’t be afraid to experiment and make changes along the way, and always keep in mind the functionality of your space. With your inspiration and your own creativity, you’ll be able to create a beautiful and functional space that you’ll love.


Designing a space can be a challenging task, but by gathering inspiration, it can become an enjoyable and creative process. By following the three simple steps outlined in this blog post, you can easily gather ideas, create a vision for your space, and bring it to life. The key to success is to research, gather inspiration and organize it, and then put it into action by incorporating your favorite looks into your project.

In the first step, research and gather inspiration from a variety of sources such as design magazines, websites, and blogs. Take note of the things you like, and keep an open mind to new sources of inspiration. In the second step, create a mood board to visualize your finished space, and organize your inspiration by theme or style. This will help you make design decisions that are true to your personal style and the vision you have for your space. In the final step, put your inspiration into action by using it to inform your design choices, incorporating your favorite looks into your project, and considering the functionality of your space.

Remember, designing with inspiration is an exciting and enjoyable process, so don’t be afraid to experiment and make changes along the way. With your inspiration and your own creativity, you’ll be able to create a beautiful and functional space that you’ll love. Keep researching, gathering inspiration and experimenting, to make your space truly reflect your personal style and personality.

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